Daniel Laszlo impressed the talent scouts from Roush and Hendrick.
Fresh from his midget ride at Zephyrhills, "Push Truck Sammy" made his first appearance at Little 500,
Here goes Daniel, "running the cushion" at the top of the track.
Todd McCreary was on hand to offer colorful commentary from a driver's perscpective.
Jane Smith was on grandma duty all night so her daughter and son-in-law (back from Iraq!) could have fun.
Alex Fortune, and VSP modified driver Charlie MacNichol, get their game face on.
Most of the Speedworld staff showed up.  Here are Ralph and Binky Miller, (the starter and scorer), joined by announcer Dave Westerman.
Announcer Dave catches his breath after another hair-raising ride.
Ron McCreary and Jerry "Frasson 118" Binner wonder who brought the cooler.
Chris Smyth had no fun all night.
John Tenny, Mike Soukup and Edm celebrate Mike's win in the World Championship round.
John is a good sport.  He puts up with my story that he arrived at Little 500 via helicoper limo, or that here he is, showing off his new "million dollar" fire suit.
Do you have any more pictures for this site?  Please email them by clicking HERE.
"Jack Tripper" 
In real life he is Todd Michaels. Tonight he took a break from his son  Everett's world tour to come and race with us.